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V-PLASTIC PRO Ceramic Coating for Plastics

Regular price HK$300.00
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Ceramic Coating for Plastics

  • Renews plastics for up to 3-5 years
  • SiO2-based product


Plastic, rubber, sea canopy and wrapped car.


  1. Wash the plastic surface well.
  2. Decontaminate the plastic using Revelax and a microfiber towel in order to remove any unwanted residue or excess other products.
  3. Apply the product evenly with the foam applicator over the entire surface. For less shine, remove excess with a clean, dry microfiber towel
  4. If necessary, apply a second layer 3 hours after the first application.


Partial:  6 hours
Total: 72 hours

The product cures through the reaction with oxygen in the atmosphere and requires a minimum time of 6 hours to expose the applied surface to rain or adverse conditions. If exposed before this period, stains and runs may occur.


V-PAINT Pro is a ceramic coating for painting with durability of up to 3 years, developed with silicon molecules that coat the vehicle surface and form a highly resistant nanotechnological barrier. V-PAINT Pro promotes water repellency, UV protection and deep shine. The nanofilm formed on the paintwork minimizes the harmful effects of tree sap, bird excrement, the action of sunlight, sea air, acid rain and even micro-scratches caused by poorly executed washes, preventing premature wear of the paintwork.